Summer’s warmer temperatures and increased humidity can actually aid in healing after undergoing a chemical peel treatment, provided sweating is avoided at this time.
Sweat during recovery can contribute to premature skin lift-off and flaking by adding salt into the mix – irritating it further and further eroding its integrity.
Increased Irritation
After receiving a chemical peel, skin becomes vulnerable to UV rays and heat exposure. Therefore, it’s essential to limit sun exposure by wearing at least 30 SPF sunscreen every day as well as loose clothing that keeps cool temperatures within reach.
If you sweat following a chemical peel, the moisture can wash away the protective barrier formed by acid and expose your skin to bacteria and other potentially damaging agents, potentially increasing irritation by making red and sore spots appear and lifting and peeling prematurely, possibly leading to scarring or other complications.
To minimize this possibility, it is wise to refrain from activities which induce excessive sweating for 24 hours after receiving a facial peel or 48 hours following body treatments. If exercise must take place anyway, opt for light workouts like yoga or Pilates that don’t expose your face directly to sweat.
Disruption of the Healing Process
Chemical peels are cosmetic skin treatments designed to peel away damaged outermost layers, revealing healthier newer skin beneath. For optimal results from this cosmetic skin procedure, it’s essential that you follow your esthetician’s post- treatment instructions closely; these may differ depending on the type of chemical peel you receive but general guidelines include staying cool, avoiding excessive sweating, and wearing sunscreen.
Sweating excessively after receiving a chemical peel could impede its recovery process, delaying flaking. Newly formed skin needs time to dry completely before flaking can begin; premature exfoliation with washcloth or facial scrub may force flaking before it’s time, leading to gross bubbles of sweat forming on its surface and redness and Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation lasting weeks or months later.
For this reason, exercising in saunas or engaging in activities which induce excessive sweating after having your peel should be avoided in order to ensure optimal healing results.
Prolonged Peeling
A peel can be highly effective at improving the appearance of skin. However, it should be remembered that it is an advanced medical procedure and should only be conducted by licensed professionals.
Sweating after receiving a chemical peel can erode the protective barrier created on the skin, leaving it open to harmful bacteria and other irritants as well as prolonging recovery periods and producing uneven results.
As part of the recovery process, it is vital to limit sweating as much as possible during recovery. Sweat can irritate skin conditions such as itching and lead to further inflammation. Furthermore, cool or lukewarm water should be used after peeling to rinse your face as hot water may irritate sensitive skin and cause further discomfort.
Always adhere to the recommendations from your practitioner when it comes to post-peel care. They will provide tailored instructions based on your skin type and strength of peel.
Uneven Results
Chemical peels work by exfoliating away the outermost layer of skin, leaving behind smoother and brighter complexion. However, new skin needs time to develop into healthy hues – sweat can hinder this natural exfoliation process, leading to patchy results.
Be sure to wear clothing that will allow for proper ventilation after undergoing chemical peels to avoid excessive sweating, such as loose, comfortable clothing that won’t irritate the skin – avoid tight boots or shoes, jeans or pantyhose that squeeze tight against your body, hats that touch skin as well as tight lacy or scratchy lingerie; choose loose cotton shirts and full-size elasticated sports bras instead for optimal comfort and efficiency.
As well as using gentle cleansers and applying sunscreen, over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or naproxen sodium may help ease discomfort, while your doctor may also prescribe an anti-inflammatory for severe pain or swelling. Saunas and hot tubs increase blood circulation, heating the skin; to avoid these environments altogether try exercising in cooler temperatures using low impact methods like yoga, Tai chi or walking instead.