Chemical peels can effectively remove blemishes, smooth skin texture and boost radiance for an improved complexion. They’re also effective at diminishing any stretch marks that have already appeared.
Your doctor may advise a light or deeper peel depending on your goals and expectations. Be sure to discuss this matter thoroughly with them.
Be sure to inform your physician of any past cases of cold sores, herpes infections or other conditions that could impede your procedure.
What is a chemical peel?
Chemical peels are a type of skin treatment in which an acidic solution is applied directly to the skin and allows its outermost layer of cells to dissolve, leading to cell regeneration and helping reduce scars, wrinkles and other minor skin issues while simultaneously helping fade stretch marks.
There are various kinds of chemical peels, some more superficial while others penetrate more deeply into the skin. Deep chemical peels such as phenol peels can sometimes help treat scars or other issues which have proven difficult to resolve with other therapies.
Before choosing the appropriate type of peel for you and its expected outcomes, it’s essential that you speak to your physician about which option would be most suitable and why. Furthermore, be sure to avoid hair dye treatments, permanent wave services and skin-care products starting one week before the procedure; additionally arrange for transportation home if sedating medications will be administered during your peel.

1. How do chemical peels get rid of stretch marks?
Chemical peels use mild acidic solutions to peel away the outermost layer of skin and stimulate production of healthy new cells from within. This process reduces fine lines and wrinkles, minor scars, melasma, hyperpigmentation, sun damage and uneven skin tones.
Stretch marks are thin white or purple scars that form following rapid weight gain or pregnancy, most visible among people with darker skin tone and can sometimes fade with time but never completely disappear.
Although there are various cosmetic treatments designed to remove stretch marks, most fail to address their source – extra space between fat cells in the hypodermis. Examples of such therapies are laser therapy, radiofrequency microneedling and various home remedies like coconut oil. Only surgery such as tummy tuck or breast lift procedures can completely eradicate stretch marks; however, these can be costly and come with associated risks.
2. How long do chemical peels take to work?
Chemical peels vary depending on their type and strength; shallow peels have quicker recovery periods while deeper peels may take up to two weeks for your skin to recover and you to see their effects.
If you are considering getting a chemical peel, it is crucial that you speak with your doctor first about your medical history and desired outcomes. Only then can they determine whether a peel is suitable for you, and suggest the most suitable type.
Before getting your peel, it is wise to limit UV exposure and avoid hair removal products like waxing or depilatories. Furthermore, medications which increase photosensitivity like retinoids or tretinoin as well as skin lightening creams such as hydroquinone should also be discontinued as well as facial masks and exfoliative scrubs; during your procedure you will likely feel warm-to-hot sensations with possibly some stinging sensations.
3. What are the risks of chemical peels?
Chemical peels can cause some scarring, though usually less severely than other forms of skin treatments. To minimize scarring and other potential complications from chemical peels, it’s wise to moisturize daily with an SPF moisturizer and regularly apply sunblock. Chemical peels can also alter skin pigmentation significantly – people with darker skin tones are particularly prone to developing additional coloring in their scars post-chemical peel.
Flakiness and peeling are common side effects of chemical peels, but you should avoid picking at them as this could lead to infection. Herpetic lesions (cold sores) may occur if there has been previous herpes simplex virus exposure. Furthermore, deep chemical peels containing phenol may damage heart muscle function resulting in irregular heartbeats.
Chemical peels can be an excellent option for treating wrinkles, acne, fine lines and spots, uneven skin tone and enlarged pores. However, for severe stretch marks or other cosmetic concerns that require surgical intervention other options may be better suited.