Chemical peels may help lighten dark skin tones, but it is essential that this procedure be conducted by an authorized and experienced practitioner. Otherwise, there is the potential risk of hyperpigmentation with superficial peels, particularly for darker skin tones.
Chemical peels may lead to permanent changes in skin tone, although this is uncommon. Birth control pills, pregnancy or history of herpes outbreaks may increase your likelihood of experiencing such results.
Do Chemical Peels Make Your Skin Lighter?
Chemical peels are an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment used to enhance skin tone by diminishing dark spots, minimizing scars, and exfoliating dead cells from the surface of the skin. Chemical peeling can also be used to address wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, hyperpigmentation and open pores on your face.
Light peels can be safely used on all skin types without adverse side effects that require medical intervention. Deeper peels may produce sunburn-like reactions with redness and scaling that last three to seven days after treatment; during this period it’s essential to protect treated areas by using thick moisturizers.
Deep chemical peels contain phenol, which has the potential to harm heart muscle, kidneys and liver function. If you are considering this form of treatment it’s essential that you discuss all its potential ramifications with your doctor first before scheduling an appointment. Your physician will also inquire into your skin care routine as well as any medications taken; this information will enable them to determine whether a deep peel is the appropriate choice.
Do Chemical Peels Make Your Skin Darker?
Chemical peels use powerful acids to exfoliate dead skin cells to reveal younger- looking, healthier-looking skin. Chemical peels can improve tone and texture as well as decrease fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, blotches, sun damage scars, herpes outbreaks or any type of infection in their wake.
Darker skin tones may experience post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dark spots) following a chemical peel treatment; however, these symptoms are part of the healing process and typically fade over time as your body heals itself.
To reduce side effects, start preparing for your peel by refraining from waxing, epilating and using depilatory hair removal treatments at least a week in advance. Facial scrubs and exfoliation treatments should also be avoided in this timeframe. Medium or deep peels require you to be sedated; to be safe arrange a ride home as medium and deep peels require sedation as well. If you have herpes it is also wise to inform your physician as he/she can work together with you on devising the best plan to treat both condition/goals.
Do Chemical Peels Make Your Skin Whiter?
Chemical peels can be an effective treatment option for dark spots, blotches and uneven skin tone. Additionally, chemical peels may also help address fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes.
At the core of this treatment lies an innovative chemical solution which traumatises or injures layers of epidermis, prompting it to shed its outermost layers, revealing younger and healthier skin beneath.
Light chemical peels can be an ideal option for dark skin, as they quickly peel away the outermost layers and produce visible results. Common alpha hydroxy acid products used can reduce fine lines and wrinkles while brightening complexion and increasing blood flow.
Medium chemical peels can also be an excellent option for dark skin. These peels often contain glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid; these acids can help reduce moderate wrinkles, discoloration and precancerous actinic keratosis spots while lightening age spots, liver spots and freckles.
Do Chemical Peels Make Your Skin Redder?
Chemical peels are an effective cosmetic treatment to address wrinkles, dull skin, hyperpigmentation, sun damage and acne scars. Chemical peels also improve tone and texture by inducing controlled wounds which peel away the top layers of skin to reveal younger-looking layers underneath – this reveals smoother and healthier looking ones that lie just underneath!
Choose between light, medium, and deep chemical peels to address various skin concerns. A light peel utilizes alpha-hydroxy acids to target blemishes, sun spots, fine lines, mild discoloration issues, and leave radiant results behind.
Medium peels remove outer and middle skin layers to even out complexion and reduce hyperpigmentation, perfect for those with moderate dark spots, blotches or wrinkles. Deep peels target actinic keratoses – rough patches of skin precancerous enough to cause cancer – by exfoliating deeper into their layers; additionally this treatment reduces scarring while helping heal more rapidly.