Chemical peels are outpatient procedures performed in your doctor’s office or surgery center. Does Chemical Peeling Remove Facial Hair? Your doctor will clean your skin thoroughly before applying chemical solutions such as glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, or carbolic acid (phenol). They are applied directly to small areas of the face.
Chemical solutions create controlled wounds and stimulate your body to form new skin cells, prompting redness, puffiness and mild stinging during this procedure.
Chemical Peels Cannot Remove Facial Hair
Facial hair typically does not fall off with chemical peels; however, it may temporarily be removed when peeling occurs. Master estheticians will usually work around facial hair so it does not get trapped under layers of dead skin being treated and prevent scarring by not treating areas covered by facial hair.
Your skin care specialist will help you determine which chemical peel is right for you by discussing your goals for treatment, any medical conditions that could impede recovery, such as cold sores that keep returning or scarring, medications that cause skin dryness or irritation such as Roaccutane and any medications taken for acne treatment that could possibly impact recovery or outcome.
Light chemical peels can help improve fine wrinkling, uneven skin color or dry, rough sun-damaged skin by peeling away its outermost layer and leaving newer cells underneath. They may be performed in either your doctor’s office or surgery center as outpatient procedures; most people experience some burning or stinging sensation during this step, although any discomfort should subside shortly afterwards; anesthetic cream may be applied topically at this point to minimize pain during this step of the procedure.
Medium chemical peels, which remove both the outermost layer and part of the middle skin layer, can help improve age spots, uneven skin coloration, acne scarring or fine wrinkling. They can be done as outpatient procedures in doctor or dermatologist offices and typically involve applying chemical solution directly onto skin before rinsing off to reveal fresher, smoother and more even-toned skin beneath.
Deep chemical peels performed by doctors are among the most severe. Sedated patients must be present as they use cotton-tipped applicators to apply chemical phenol to small patches of their skin, creating white or gray spots as it dissolves away top layers and allows new cells to surface beneath.
Chemical Peels Improve Skin Texture
Chemical peels are designed to improve facial skin texture, smooth out blemishes, and wrinkles by exfoliating damaged outer layers. A chemical solution such as TCA (trichloroacetic acid), Jessner’s peel (Jessner’s peel), salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) may be applied in controlled doses directly onto the face in a process called controlled chemical exfoliation; typically done in-office and occasionally
requiring local anesthesia for deeper peels covering larger areas of face.
Your doctor will likely instruct you to tie back your hair and wear protective eyewear to keep any peeling solution out of your eyes. For deeper peels, topical anesthetic may also be applied prior to beginning the procedure.
At a chemical peel, your doctor will apply chemicals in 15-minute treatments, starting from light. A light peel may produce very little visible effect; while medium peels typically leave behind scaly crusts and brown blotches that eventually shed, leaving behind fresh new skin underneath. A deep chemical peel using phenol can produce white or gray spots in treated areas; this method works particularly well on patients suffering from coarse facial wrinkles or sun-damaged patches of skin which could be precancerous; Phenol actually lightens their complexion so people with dark complexions might benefit more from other cosmetic procedures.
After receiving a chemical peel, your skin may appear red and tight; you may feel itchy or swollen; picking or scratching could increase scarring and infection risk; it is best to follow your doctor’s instructions regarding cleaning, applying ointments to the skin and avoiding sunlight as much as possible. Your physician may prescribe painkillers or sedative medication; additionally antibiotics may be given if sedated for deep peels.
Before having a chemical peel done, your doctor may advise that you stop waxing, shaving and using depilatory hair removal creams and hair dye treatments for at least a week prior to receiving any kind of peel procedure. You should also refrain from facial scrubs and exfoliants and arrange transportation home in case sedation will be administered as well as arrange for someone to drive you.