Preparing your skin for a chemical peel is absolutely key if you want the best results. Your skincare professional may provide specific instructions, which could include refraining from waxing and chemical depilatory treatments, staying out of direct sunlight and using certain lotions.
Prior to your peel, do not use scrubs, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, retinol, AHAs or skin lighteners for 24 hours prior to any treatments or peels.
Avoid sun exposure
Prior and after receiving a chemical peel, it’s crucial that you avoid exposure to direct sunlight as much as possible in order to minimize redness, scarring and hyperpigmentation. You can protect your skin by wearing protective clothing like hats and sunglasses with an SPF value higher than 30 and using broad spectrum sunscreen with high SPF rating daily.

Prior to getting a chemical peel, you should also abstain from hair removal treatments like electrolysis and facial waxing, and refrain from exfoliation treatments like scrubbing or scrubbing your face for at least one week prior. Furthermore, avoid shaving areas which will be treated.
As advised by your esthetician, it is crucial that you follow post treatment instructions given. This means avoiding alcohol, sweating and activities which increase body heat such as working out, hot showers, steam rooms or saunas that could increase skin discoloration. Furthermore, use an effective moisturizer multiple times throughout the day to hydrate skin regularly as this will help minimize flaking which often follows chemical peel treatments.
Avoid abrasive skincare products
Not only should you avoid sun exposure and harsh skincare products, but you should also cease hair removal treatments such as electrolysis and facial waxing in the area that will be treated a week before having a chemical peel performed. In addition to disclosing any medications currently taken to your skin care professional and making arrangements for transport home if your peel will require sedation, such as by making arrangements with someone to drive you home from your appointment.

After your treatment, it is important to avoid direct sun exposure and wear a wide- brimmed hat. Furthermore, shaving, tweezing or using depilatories around the area of the peel must also be avoided, along with using mild cleansers daily and for the first 48 hours consuming alcohol, working out or being exposed to internal heat sources such as hot shower spray, steam room, sauna or hot tub exposure or internal heating sources such as hot shower spray; sunscreen must be applied liberally and reapplied regularly throughout each day; in case any redness, swelling or rash appears after receiving treatment, please seek medical advice immediately from a dermatologist immediately.
Avoid smoking
Smoking can interfere with healing processes and cause your skin to age more rapidly, so it is vitally important that smokers give up before getting a chemical peel done.
Chemical peels are outpatient procedures, so you will be able to return home on the same day of your appointment. However, it is advisable that someone drive you and stay with you on the first night after treatment as your skin may become red or swollen following its application. It is wise not to use anti-inflammatories like aspirin as they could thin the blood and inhibit healing.
If you are getting a medium or deep chemical peel, your doctor may use topical anesthetic to ease discomfort. Be sure to follow all their instructions regarding washing, moisturizing, applying protective ointments and sunscreen use; in addition to this it would also be wise to employ broad-spectrum sunscreen usage as well as sun safety practices. For those with history of herpes should begin taking oral medication such as Acyclovir 400 mg twice daily two days prior to having the peel performed.
Avoid alcohol
Alcohol should be avoided the night before and during a peel, as it dehydrates skin cells while slowing metabolism, which could decrease results.
Drink plenty of water both during treatment and recovery to help absorb nutrients more readily and avoid dryness. This will aid your body’s healing process as well as reduce dryness.
Light chemical peels remove only the outermost layers of skin and are an ideal way to combat fine wrinkling or uneven skin coloring without the extensive recovery period involved with medium or deep chemical peels. They’re an ideal option for anyone looking for quick results without long recovery periods required by medium and deep chemical peels.
During a peel, your skin may feel warm or cool; this is completely normal as your body responds to its perceived injury by sending blood and other resources directly to that spot. Itching may occur but do not scratch as this nerve response should resolve itself with time.