At least 7 days before receiving a chemical peel, all prescription, retinol products, high percentage alpha hydroxy acid products and alpha/beta hydroxy acid products must be discontinued as well as any antiviral medication if you experience frequent cold sore outbreaks around your mouth area.
Avoid Sun Exposure
Chemical peels are designed to exfoliate and reveal more radiant-looking skin, but this process may be compromised if exposed to direct sunlight. Luckily, there are ways you can protect your skin.

Before and during a peel, it is wise to avoid direct sunlight and wear sunscreen (with at least an SPF30 broad spectrum SPF) according to your skincare professional’s recommendation. New skin that forms after undergoing a peel may be particularly vulnerable to sun damage and immediate exposure can have more severe side effects.
Before receiving a peel treatment, it is wise to refrain from waxing or using depilatories in the area to be treated for at least seven days prior to starting treatments with scrubs, loofahs and facial sponges that exfoliate. Additionally, stop using any products which exfoliate such as loofahs and facial sponges as these will have exfoliating properties and should be stopped altogether for at least 10 days beforehand.
Avoid Exfoliating
Due to the sensitive nature of your skin, it’s crucial that you don’t overexfoliate before getting a chemical peel treatment. Excessive exfoliation may interfere with its results by irritating delicate tissues and disrupting healing processes.

To help avoid potential complications from peels, it is wise to stop using facial scrubs and exfoliating products about one week prior. Furthermore, waxing or electrolysis, and any cosmetic treatments which remove top layers of your skin (such as chemical peels), should also be discontinued at least a week before having a peel done.
At this stage, it is also wise to avoid taking medications or supplements that increase blood flow to your face, such as prescription acne medicines, retinol products and strong AHA or BHA products. Also be sure to use broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 50+ everyday as well as disclose any other medications taken to ensure optimal chemical peel results.
Avoid Excessive Sweating
Chemical peels can irritate and swell up skin that is too hot or sweaty, leading to irritation and compromised results from treatment. Therefore, it is wise to refrain from excessive sweating for several days prior to getting a chemical peel and avoid waxing, electrolysis or any other hair removal treatments in the area of treatment.

Your doctor may suggest antiviral medication such as Acyclovir or Valacyclovir for frequent outbreaks, taking two doses before and two doses after peels to protect yourself.
After receiving a chemical peel, it is crucial that the new skin fully recovers before being exposed directly to sunlight. Sunburns could occur, so avoid using exfoliants and scrubs on treated areas until flaking has subsided and instead use broad- spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 protection liberally on them every day.
Avoid Alcohol
Many clients assume that chemical peels don’t work unless visible peeling takes place; this isn’t necessarily true; chemical peels work at a cellular level to reverse signs of aging and sun damage in even deep layers of skin.
During a procedure, your doctor may use a brush, cotton ball applicator or gauze swab to apply chemical solutions directly onto the skin – often times this causes stinging sensations – before applying a neutralizing wash or solution to wash away all traces of harmful substances from the surface of your body.
After having undergone a peel treatment, it’s essential that all facial hair removal practices, including shaving, waxing or electrolysis, be put off for as long as possible afterward. Also recommended is forgoing exfoliants or glycolic acid products for several days post treatment as this helps hydrate skin post peel treatment and ensure positive results and safe treatments. When visiting your dermatologist it is key that all instructions given by them be strictly abided by for best results and safe procedures.