What Happens If You Use Retinol Before a Chemical Peel?

Retinol is an indispensable part of many dermatologists’ skincare arsenals. This powerful ingredient promises many skin benefits including reduced fine lines and wrinkles, less acne breakouts, tighter pores, even skin tone and brightening complexion.

However, using Retinol prior to undergoing a chemical peel may produce uneven, patchy results – here is why.

Retinol Vitamin A

Retinol works wonders in treating acne, fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and overall skin texture and tone issues. It increases collagen production while simultaneously thinning out dead skin layers and stimulating new collagen growth – as well as helping heal blemishes by decreasing their appearance, shrinking large pores or closing up existing ones.

Recent studies have also demonstrated its ability to treat Keratosis Pilaris – a condition which causes rough, bumpy patches of skin – as well as reduce their size by increasing skin cell growth rates.

But you should avoid applying it on damp skin as this will increase irritation and sensitivity, avoid waxing/tweezing/using depilatory creams on neck area while using stronger retinoids such as Retin-A, Differin, Renova or Tazorac; refrain from tanning altogether and limit exposure to UV sunlight; only get chemical peels recommended by skincare professionals!

Skin Tightening

Chemical peels can help treat various skin conditions, including fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, breakouts, freckles liver spots and actinic keratoses (precancerous scaly patches). Chemical peels also increase skin elasticity for firmer appearance while improving clarity and tone overall.

Medium peels will gently exfoliate old surface cells and reveal fresher, younger- looking skin. Shedding typically lasts 1-3 days; during which you may notice your face is more red and dry than normal.

Use a protective ointment and avoid the sun to avoid burning or fading the skin during this time, avoid shaving, waxing or using facial depilatories and use depilatory wipes instead. Your practitioner will provide specific post-peel care instructions based on the type of chemical peel you received and this may include using moisturizer to help the healing process while waiting until they provide their green light to use scrubs, loofahs or exfoliating sponges until he or she gives their go ahead from them to use scrubs etc.

Melanin Inhibitor

Prescription-grade retinol can enhance melasma treatments when combined with chemical peels for more effective melasma treatments and removal of hyperpigmentation due to sun damage or other causes. By making skin more porous, retinol allows professional-grade peel ingredients to penetrate more deeply, leading to more effective melasma removal treatments as well as removal of hyperpigmentation from sun exposure or other sources.

Chemical peels offer an ideal way to even out their skin tone, diminishing dark spots and discolourations while simultaneously shrinking enlarged pores and improving clarity, tone and texture of their complexion.

After receiving a chemical peel, it’s essential that you use physical sunscreen (containing zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide) every day in order to protect your newly rejuvenated skin from UV rays. You should also wait at least 3 months after fully healing before restarting any retinol regimens.


Retinol before your peel can provide many advantages, one being it will induce hyper-regenerative properties within the skin – this means faster healing times and reduced scarring from blemishes caused by your peel!

At first, your doctor will analyze the texture, thickness and tone of your skin in order to select an ideal type of peel for you. Next, they’ll apply chemical solution directly onto the surface of your skin which causes it to temporarily sting and burn before moving onto step two of treatment.

After receiving a chemical peel, your face may appear red, tight and irritated as well as flaky. Avoid picking or rubbing off flaky skin as this could result in scarring or discoloration. Also for 10 days following the peel, avoid scrubbing your face using loofahs and exfoliating sponges; don’t use electrolysis or facial waxing treatments, don’t shave and don’t wear loose clothing to tanning salons – anything which might aggravate inflammation should also be avoided as these could further aggravate skin conditions that were worse before than necessary!

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